Terms of Use

Terms & Conditions

I certify that the information furnished above is factually correct and subject to verification by TRITIYA (including Reference Check & Background Verification). I accept that a Registration given to me on this basis can be revoked and/or terminated without any notice at any time in future if any information has been false, misleading or deliberately omitted/suppressed. I also certify that I am at present in sound mental and physical condition to undertake Registration with TRITIYA GOLD AND DIAMOND JEWELS PRIVATE LIMITED.

Terms Of Use

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By accessing this Tritiya Registration Portal on the TRITIYA GOLD AND DIAMOND JEWELS PRIVATE LIMITED Website and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions below do not access the site or any pages thereof.

Permitted Use

As such the information available on the Tritiya Registration Portal is not intended to be comprehensive and many details which may be relevant to particular circumstances have been omitted. The fact that the information contained in the Tritiya Registration Portal has been placed on the public record should not be taken to indicate that TRITIYA GOLD AND DIAMOND JEWELS PRIVATE LIMITED has verified or validated it. Accordingly, it should not be regarded as being a complete source of the data available with Tritiya Co.Group and the user should not rely on information provided herein and should always seek the advice of competent counsel / consultant before acting on anything contained herein. Tritiya Co.Group cannot take any responsibility for the consequence of errors and omission. The Tritiya Registration Portal is not intended to be a source of advertising or solicitation and the contents of the website should not be construed as professional advice. Permission, receipt or use of the Tritiya Registration Portal does not constitute or create a professional relationship. Tritiya Registration Portal does not accept any responsibility for the content or accuracy for material submitted by users. The information and contents contained in the Tritiya Registration Portal and the terms, condition and description that appear are subject to change. Unauthorized use of the Tritiya Registration Portal including but not limited to unauthorized entry into Tritiya Registration Portal misuse of passwords or misuse of any information posted on the Tritiya Registration Portal is strictly prohibited and would attract both penal and punitive action.

Third Party Links

The Tritiya Registration Portal may contain links to sites controlled or offered by third parties (Non affiliates of TRITIYA Co.Group). TRITIYA Co.Group does not intend that links from the Tritiya Registration Portal to other internet sites be referrals to, endorsement of, or affiliations with the linked entities. TRITIYA Co.Group is not responsible for and makes no representations or warranties about the contents and reliability of sites to which links may be provided from the Tritiya Group Portal. TRITIYA Co.Group hereby disclaims liability for any information material, products or services posted or offered on any of the third party sites linked to the Tritiya Registration Portal. By creating a link to a third party web site, TRITIYA Co.Group shall not be liable for any failure of products or services offered or advertised at these sites. Such third parties may have primary policy different from that of TRITIYA Co.Group and the third party web site may provide less security than this site.

No warranty

No representation or warranty is made as to whether information available on the Tritiya Registration Portal or the access to and use of the Tritiya Registration Portal complies with the laws of countries other than India from which you may be accessing the Tritiya Registration Portal. It is your responsibility to ensure that any legal requirements of such countries are complied with in accessing the Tritiya Registration Portal.

Limitation of Liability

All liability is excluded, to the fullest extent permitted by law, with respect to any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential and including, but not limited to, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of data or loss of programs) arising out of or in connection with the Tritiya registration portal, any use of the Tritiya registration portal content or any website or service linked hereto.

Additional Terms

These terms and conditions are in addition to the Terms of Use of the Tritiya Co. Group Website. In the event of conflict, these additional terms and conditions will govern for the Tritiya Co. Group Portal.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Tritiya Co. Group maintains the Tritiya Registration Portal on its Website in India. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian law and the Courts of East Delhi (New Delhi), India shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claims or disputes arising in relation to, out of or in connection with these Terms and/or the Tritiya Registration Portal.